Tactile Flood Maps of Pasadena, TX and Quincy, MA
Description: These are flood maps created for my dissertation research, Tactile Maps for Flood Mitigation Planning: Design and Evaluation. I chose Pasadena and Quincy because of their proximity to flood zones and the variety of structures in each area. The maps in this image are typical reference maps (left column) showing roads, buildings, and water features, in addition to flood maps (right column) showing roads, water features, and flood zones, but without buildings in order to reduce clutter. Map templates were modified from Tactile Maps Automated Production (TMAP) outputs.
Published: 2022
Data sources: OpenStreetMap; Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Tools: OpenStreetMap; TMAP; QGIS; Adobe Illustrator
Media: Microcapsule paper (aka Swell-Touch paper, swell paper, capsule paper, flexi paper)